"The greatest problems of our time are not technological, for these we handle fairly well. They are not even political or economic, because the difficulties in these areas, glaring as they may be, are largely derivative. The greatest problems are moral and spiritual, and unless we can make some progress in these realms, we may not even survive. This is how advanced cultures have declined in the past. It is for this reason that I welcome a really mature work on the cultivation of the life of the spirit." -- D. Elton Trueblood.
I wanted to share this because I believe it says what I have been thinking very effectively.
There is little I can do personally to influence a change in Washington D.C. (I know, I know, that is shocking to hear, but trust me - my Congressional Representative doesn't know me from a hole in the wall...)
So, if I can't really do much to change D.C., should I just hang it up & move to some mountain in South West Texas? I really thought about that before Ron Paul ran for president. Now, I know others that share my political and economic views. For example, they are going to be a part of the "End The Fed" rally this weekend. (I am skipping this one because of a prior committment.) I support the message of the group. Nothing would bring a bigger smile to my face than to see the Federal Reserve doors closed. However, I really doubt much will be accomplished by this or simular movements & protests. So am I throwing in the towel? No.
I am certain that I can influence a small group of people. I can be respectful & educated about matters of economics, history and our Constitution. By doing these things, I may be able to reach & teach others about these same matters.
"The greatest problems are moral and spiritual, and unless we can make some progress in these realms, we may not even survive. "
My life lived in service to my Lord and Savior must be the focus & centerpiece of my life. God has chosen to use people and His work through their lives to reveal Himself to the world. So while I may focus on politics & economics here on this blog, know that at their core, the problems facing this nation are moral and spiritual, not political or economic.
Well played! I was thinking earlier that with Obama's backing off on his tax increases, we might be able to push the FairTax again.
Then I thought again.
Below are some links to congruent thoughts I have had. The Congress, the Senate, The White House, the Supremes, all have no pretense of even LOOKING at the Constitution.
The churches are much in the same boat, practicing expediency and pragmatism rather than the Word. We cannot even pretend to be Nathan to the Government's David.
Do we need Revival, or have we not even been Vived yet?
The churches are much in the same boat, practicing expediency and pragmatism rather than the Word. We cannot even pretend to be Nathan to the Government's David.
This causes me the greatest concern. It just seems like politics in the church is the dreaded 3rd rail.
Unfortunatly, so many people are brainwashed by the Orwellians that it seems quite the HUGE Mountain ahead. The latest incarnation of this PC crap I had to deal with was on Saturday. My sister defended Andrea Yates being in a mental hospital. I said she should have been hanged. Then I tried to find some other topic to discuss.
BTW, a couple in Rusk County has claimed they beat their 13 month old to death because: drum roll please: They were trying to save the child from the demons.
Hang 'em!!!
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