Ok, so I really enjoy Christmas. It is the only time of the year that I speak the words, "That's just so cute." and I really mean it. I love the way everyone goes around smiling and those frozen noses & cheeks after being outside. I love the way everyone wants Hot Coco or Apple Cider. Yet, there is a part of me that just gets drained by the whole idea of The Holiday Season.
The short list of things I will be forced to deal with:
· The same food over & over & over
· Stupid Holiday Sales Advertisements
· Stupid Holiday Sales Associates
· Viagra & Cialis commercials
· My sister
· PC attacks on Christian Symbolism
· Endless debate over how to wish people well
· Lectures when you use the wrong phrase to wish others well
· Penguins or Polar Bears as Christmas decorations… WUWT???
I promised a short list, so that will have to do for now. Feel free to add anything you wish to the list of things that work to drain your Christmas Cheer this year.
However, I won’t be beaten by these PC Scrooges – I’ll show them all. That’s right! I have a pink Christmas Tree on my balcony!!!
Take that Karl Marx!!!
Friday, December 5, 2008
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Congratulations on the blog-spam! You have arriven.
I was in the DFW area this weekend for a convention, and have fallen in love with Texas.
I noted that when I wished people "Merry Christmas" (not militantly) there was often a beat's pause, then a relieved and joyful response of same.
Enjoy your pink tree!
Carn Sarn It!!! I hate Spam that can't be fried & eaten... :o)
If I had known you were in the DFW area, I might have crashed the con... oh well. Perhaps I should check my email a bit more often...
Yes, in the big city some have fallen prey to the "We don't say 'Merry Christmas' anymore" crowd. But most folks are like the ones you met.
Merry Christmas!!!
Well, next time, I'll give you a heads-up!
What is up with the cast-iron bathtubs in the Cialis ads? Lugging those out to The Romantic Spot on the dock would wear me out, so all I would be ready for is a nap, little pill nonwithstanding.
Nothing says Romance like lying in twin footed tubs holding hands. (That's apparently all you can hold.)
The utmost in dumb is the session musicians jammin' in the studio and breaking out in (lusty) praise of Viagra. Together. Seems to me that Viagra is the pharma equivalent to the bad-old-days of getting Food Stamps. You sneaked around, and if a friend was in the checkout line, you waited 'til they left to check out yourself. You didn't want people to know.
So, of course these musicians are gonna have their jolly old time belting out "Viva, Viagra!".
Your word verification is "stinc". The last one was "stabdess".
Penguins or Polar Bears as Christmas decorations...?
Because Coca Cola SAYS so.
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