Thursday, June 5, 2008

Fascinating Find

The following is from a "General Push Card" for the Republican Party of Texas:

"The Republican Party of Texas

The Republican philosophy is a true reflection of traditional Texas values. It is these values – core Republican principles – that will sustain Texas into the future and continue to make our State strong, prosperous and proud.
We support…
• Limited Government
A government that promotes policies to unlock individual potential and unleash economic growth. Government that does not try to be all things to all people.

• Personal Responsibility
Individuals taking personal responsibility for their own actions and a criminal justice system based on this idea. With freedom comes responsibility." 

What I find most fascinating about these statements is the dramatic steps that are being taken to put up road blocks to the Ron Paul supporters who have been involved since the primary.

Here are some links to give you an idea what is going on down here:

As you can see from the link above, the "chairpersons" in some of the counties with large populations are playing fast and loose with the rules for adding names to the delegate / alternate lists for the State Convention next week.

The Republican Party of Texas is also resisting requests by RP supporters that the Convention Chairperson be elected before the convention gets started. In years past, this process has taken place on the 2nd day of the convention.

Perhaps this is just another example of politicians saying one thing and doing another. Reminds me of what C.S. Lewis wrote in The Abolition of Man, "We scoff at honor, and wonder why there are thieves among us."

I for one no longer wonder why there are so many thieves among us.
I know why, I am working on the "how do we turn things around?"


The Aardvark said...

Faboo start! The Paulistas have had ZERO in the way of fair shakes. It's like the way you just don't want to be around a person who keeps prodding you in areas that you haven't yet surrendered to Christ. The RP-ers are playing Nathan to the Repub party's King David.

Bob Barr is looking quite attractive at this point.

You need to complete your profile. I note that there is no photo. (wink).

Cunning Dove said...

I have not decided about posting a photo at this time. I have some ideas - but I am still concerned about that EP fellow finding out what I really look like...

The Aardvark said...

If you pose with a cigar, he may find it off-putting.

I mean, I have no trouble with 'im!

Cunning Dove said...

After Mr. Bill, the president - I could never pose with a cigar. It would backfire on me somhow... I'm sure.

The Aardvark said...

Well, I, with thoughts as pure as the driven slush, did not have the beginning of the glimmer of such a thought.


As the doubtable Freud said, "Zometimes a cigar is just a cigar.".